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Hillary Clinton Doubles Down on Biden Support

By    |   Friday, 28 June 2024 04:27 PM EDT

Former Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is maintaining support for President Joe Biden after his disastrous Thursday debate with Donald Trump, slamming the former president as "someone who's only in it for himself."

In a Friday post on X, Clinton declared her backing of the beleaguered Biden against Trump, to whom she lost the 2016 election.

"I'll be voting Biden," she wrote in the post, which links to the Biden-Harris campaign website. "It's a choice between someone who cares about you—your rights, your prospects, your future—versus someone who's only in it for himself."

Clinton's commentary Tuesday in the New York Times had advised Biden that refuting Trump's arguments during the debate would be a "waste of time." She also attacked Trump's White House record.

"This election is between a convicted criminal out for revenge and a president who delivers results for the American people," she wrote. "No matter what happens in the debate, that's an easy choice."

Vice President Kamala Harris offered a similar Biden defense after the Thursday night CNN debate, pleading with voters to avoid defining Biden's presidency by the 90-minute face-off with Trump.

"It was a slow start; that's obvious to everyone. I'm not going to debate that point. I'm talking about the choice in November," Harris told Anderson Cooper.

"Do we want to look at what November will bring and go on a course for America that is about a destruction of democracy, electing a man who has said he'll be a dictator on day one?" she said.

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Former Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is maintaining support for President Joe Biden after his disastrous Thursday debate with Donald Trump, slamming the former president as "someone who's only in it for himself."
hillary clinton, joe biden, debate, election
Friday, 28 June 2024 04:27 PM
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