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Dems Say House Races Won't Suffer From Biden's Debate

By    |   Monday, 01 July 2024 11:42 AM EDT

Democrats are dismissing a GOP threat in November House races due to President Joe Biden's disastrous first debate with former President Donald Trump.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesman Viet Shelton said: "House races have always been about the strength of our candidates," Politico reported Monday.

"[C]ombined with the fact that Democrats deliver when in charge while extreme Republicans sow chaos," Shelton's statement argued "It's why recent polling has been showing Democrats outrunning their Republican opponents across the battleground. That hasn't changed after the debate."

Meanwhile, the GOP has a new strategy expected to paint Democrats as enablers of a feeble president — and concerned about Biden's fitness for office, the outlet reported.

In Pennsylvania, Republican David McCormick also released a new ad that compared incumbent Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., expressing confidence in Biden's leadership with Biden's halting debate performance.

"Casey knew about Biden's condition," the screen words state.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is also planning to "weaponize the silence of vulnerable House Democrats … capitalizing on Biden's political collapse to expand the map and grow the House Republican majority," according to a memo, Politico reported.

"House Democrats have stood by and enabled this crisis due to their own fecklessness and allegiance to their party over the people of this country," the memo reportedly says.

Fran Beyer

Fran Beyer is a writer with Newsmax and covers national politics.

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Democrats are dismissing a GOP threat in November House races due to President Joe Biden's disastrous first debate with former President Donald Trump.
house of representatives, 2024 vote, joe biden, debate
Monday, 01 July 2024 11:42 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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