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Tags: lindsey graham | donald trump | joe biden | border | policy | democrats | retribution

Sen. Graham: Retribution Against Dems If Trump Wins

By    |   Sunday, 30 June 2024 10:21 PM EDT

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., warned that retribution against Democrats would come if former President Donald Trump wins in November.

"The Democrats keep calling President Trump a felon. Well, be careful what you wish for," he said.

"I expect there will be an investigation of [President Joe] Biden's criminality at the border," Graham told CNN's Dana Bash on Sunday.

"This country is going to have a reset here. And using Biden's standard of glorifying political prosecutions, a Pandora's box has been opened. Whether he steps down or not, accountability is coming to him."

Graham said the Pandora's box that Democrats opened would be used against them the same way they used it against their political opponents.

"I think the criminality of the Biden border policy should be looked at. We should look at how people lied about the Hunter Biden laptop being fake, when it was real," he said.

"Yes, I expect people to look at that. You had a Jan. 6 Committee looking at what happened on Jan. 6. I hope there will be a committee looking at border policies that have led to the rape and murder of lots of Americans."

Jeremy Frankel

Jeremy Frankel is a Newsmax writer reporting on news and politics. 

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Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., warned that retribution against Democrats would come if former President Donald Trump wins in November.
lindsey graham, donald trump, joe biden, border, policy, democrats, retribution
Sunday, 30 June 2024 10:21 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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