"The Biden Chronicles," an entertaining documentary series that takes no-holds-barred look at Joe Biden's presidency, will debut Sunday night at 8:30 p.m. ET on Newsmax.
Presented by Chris Plante, the syndicated radio talk show host and former television news reporter and producer, "The Biden Chronicles" will begin with "Brain Fog," a tongue-in-cheek examination of the countless gaffes, memory lapses, and shake-your-head moments that have marked Biden's presidency and political career.
Program Details
The Biden Chronicles,
8:30 p.m. ET – Sunday, Sept. 18
It is a look at Biden's mental meltdowns and nonsensical babbles that he seemingly is unaware of while so many people question his mental fitness.
Further episodes will include "Press and Pratfalls," "Agenda Agony," and "War and Pieces," which will look at: Biden's dodges and deflections with news media reporters; his policy initiatives that have resulted in record inflation, migrant surges at the southern border, and shortages of items such as baby formula; and foreign policy marked by the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and war threats from China.
Produced by Meath Television Media for Newsmax, the series debut Sunday night will follow the airing of the documentary "Israel & The Abraham Accords with Jon Voight, Donald Trump."
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