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Fleitz, Holt to Newsmax: Europe Has 'Been in Denial' About Biden

By    |   Monday, 01 July 2024 11:35 AM EDT

Former CIA analyst Fred Fleitz and retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt told Newsmax Monday that Europe has "been in denial" about the physical and mental condition of President Joe Biden, but his shaky debate performance last week served as a wake-up call for the continent.

"Every week, Britain's Economist magazine runs an article about what a threat to democracy [former President Donald] Trump is, how he has to be stopped, and there's also an article about what a great President Joe Biden is," Fleitz said during an appearance on Newsmax's "Wake Up America." "Usually there's an image of Biden standing in the sunshine, wearing sunglasses, as a vigorous man.

"The Europeans have been in denial, and they've been covering up for Biden, just like the Western media has. Now they have some explaining to do.

"Now they have to explain to their people that, Well, we've known all along how weak Joe Biden is. We've been propping him up at summits,'" he continued. "We've been lying about him in news coverage.

"And now they're terrified because they see what's coming is a strong and decisive American president who will upset the leftist globalist agenda of deferring to the United Nations, of the green agenda, of an assertive United States. Frankly, Europe knows it needs this, but Europe sort of fools itself into thinking, Well, we want a strong U.S., but we also want to control the U.S. We want the U.S. to defer to the U.N."

"That's why they like Biden so much. Now this illusion is shattering. It may go away next January," Fleitz said.

Holt said that in the aftermath of last week's presidential debate, news outlets like Reuters and CNN have reported that Europeans are "actually are more worried about Trump's return than they're worried about where Biden's at.

"This isn't true," Holt said. "The stability factor is a very significant factor in the alliance.

"And we already have these wars, but it's the leadership in Europe also that has problems. So their whiz kids are watching their own elections go into the other direction, and there's really no unity across the alliance right now, as we see escalation in Ukraine, with the Russians."

"RT [Russian state-controlled TV network] just this morning was reporting that they believe the Ukrainians are getting ready, with Western help, to build a dirty bomb. It's not whether that's true or not; it's the rhetoric of those things," he continued.

"We have a dearth of leadership from Brussels all the way to D.C., and that's really what's at stake here. So it's not just President Biden; it's the national security team that he has formed, that you have seen failure after failure and war spawning after war spawning since they took their seats. And they're still very much intact."


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Nicole Wells

Nicole Wells, a Newsmax general assignment reporter covers news, politics, and culture. She is a National Newspaper Association award-winning journalist.

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Former CIA analyst Fred Fleitz and retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt told Newsmax Monday that Europe has "been in denial" about the physical and mental condition of President Joe Biden, but his shaky debate performance last week served as a wake-up call.
fred fleitz, blaine holt, europe, joe biden
Monday, 01 July 2024 11:35 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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