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Pillsbury and Chang to Newsmax: CNN Helped Biden by Avoiding China

By    |   Saturday, 29 June 2024 04:10 PM EDT

CNN was helping President Joe Biden by not bringing up China during Thursday's presidential debate, Michael Pillsbury, a senior fellow for China Strategy at The Heritage Foundation, told Newsmax on Saturday.

"If they'd mentioned the word China as a question, obviously, by the laptop, by Hunter, all these things could have been brought up by Mr. Trump. I think he's prepared to talk about China. But CNN really helped Mr. Biden by not mentioning China," Pillsbury said during an appearance on "Saturday Agenda."

Author and commentator Gordon Chang agreed, telling Newsmax the topic of China would have opened up what a dangerous world Biden has created. 

Chang noted that while China has not made the decision to go to war, "We know he [Chinese President Xi Jinping] he has made the decision to risk war because he's risking war in various places, especially in the South China Sea."

"I think the reason is because he's got so many problems at home and because he's grabbed all this power, he has total accountability," Chang added.


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CNN was helping President Joe Biden by not bringing up China during Thursday's presidential debate, Michael Pillsbury, a senior fellow for China Strategy at The Heritage Foundation, told Newsmax on Saturday."If they'd mentioned the word China as a question, obviously, by...
gordon chang, china, biden, debate, enemies
Saturday, 29 June 2024 04:10 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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