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Rep. Tenney to Newsmax: Democrats Choose Power Over Security

By    |   Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:32 PM EDT

Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., criticized the Democratic Party on Newsmax, saying they prioritize political power over the safety and security of Americans.

She cited issues with border control and immigration policies as prime examples.

Tenney started out on "American Agenda" with a strong criticism of Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party during an interview with on Wednesday. Tenney did not hold back when asked about Harris being considered the top alternative to replace President Joe Biden if he decides not to run for reelection.

"They don't care about the safety and security of the American people, which shows with their policies and their willingness to lie to the American people, whether it's Joe Biden's condition, [or] the failures of Kamala Harris," she said.

Tenney further criticized Harris and Biden for their lack of action to secure the borders. "So, she's [Harris has] brought nothing to the table — neither [has] Joe Biden. But I'm not sure the Democrats really care. I think the Democrats are going to continue to do what they can to bring illegals across the border."

She said the real goal of the Democrats is to use mass immigration as a tool to influence future elections.

"They're going to find a way to get those people. And this is just my extrapolation of what they're doing. Find a way to get some of those illegal immigrants, enough of them, to vote so that they can sway the election in the swing states and win again because it's all about power for them. It's all about power."

Tenney highlighted the growing issue of human trafficking, emphasizing that cartels are profiting more from smuggling people into the United States than from drug trafficking.

"They're making more money on human trafficking and bringing people to this country illegally than they're even making on drugs, which is a whole other catastrophe, for the breach at the border by the Biden administration. And our so-called border czar, Kamala Harris," she added.

"Well, obviously, she's [Harris has] done absolutely nothing," Tenney continued. She went to the El Paso sector very, very briefly, and that's all she's done and blamed, you know, the southern triangle countries. And that's why we have a problem at the border, completely ignoring the fact that the cartels actually control our border."

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, Tenney framed the choice for voters in the simplest of terms.

"So, the American people have a choice, and it's a binary choice," she said. "In November, vote for President Trump and have prosperity come back, security and safety for the American people — or vote for a continued disaster, and possibly the irreparable damage to the United States that we're seeing under Biden, Harris, whoever they may, the Democrats may put in power because the policies aren't going to change no matter who's at the top of their ticket now."


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Jim Thomas

Jim Thomas is a writer based in Indiana. He holds a bachelor's degree in Political Science, a law degree from U.I.C. Law School, and has practiced law for more than 20 years.

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., criticized the Democratic Party on Newsmax, asserting that they prioritize political power over the safety and security of Americans, citing issues with border control and immigration policies as prime examples.
tenney, democrats, power, american safetys ecurity
Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:32 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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