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Biden's Pro-Union Agenda Robs Opportunities for Blacks

labor unions march in the badger state of the united states during a labor day holiday

Wisconsin labor unions, and others, in the streets of Milwaukee, Wisconsin  during the Labor Day Holiday: Sept. 4, 2023. (Aaron Lemay/ 

Patrice Lee Onwuka By Thursday, 30 May 2024 03:51 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

President Joe Biden is launching yet another initiative this week to reach Black Americans. He’s bleeding support among Blacks and Hispanics — core demographics of the Obama coalition that helped to elect Biden in 2020 — leading campaign bigwigs and elected officials to be in a "full-blown ‘freakout'."

However, these new efforts will not be enough to stem the tide.

Despite adorning himself with the unearned title of civil rights activist, Biden really aims to be the biggest Big Labor boss in U.S. history.

A new report released by Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., exposes how Biden’s corrosive regulatory agenda is destroying small businesses and worker freedom, with negative rippling impacts for minorities.

Blacks are waking up to the hustle being played on them by the left, and they are no longer staying quiet.

The latest outreach follows the Biden-Harris economic tour of battleground states featuring Vice President Kamala Harris, which fell flat.

Black entrepreneurs and small business owners express trepidation over Biden’s economy.

As Atlanta-based entrepreneur John Lawson lamented, "Everybody feels like they are stagnant or struggling. The cost of living has skyrocketed. Everybody’s got jobs and still hustling at the same time."

Biden hurts his own cause by being disingenuous or dishonest about his record.

In a focus group of Black North Carolinians, a 66-year-old man called the White House fact sheets touting their economic achievements for Blacks "political mumbo-jumbo."

Who can blame him and others when President Biden now lies constantly about inflation—claiming it was 9% when he took office, although it was just 1.4% — and we know it?

Instead of offering a plan to provide relief, he’s doubling down on creating more economic hardship by promising a tax hike for every working-class American.

He would allow the 2017 tax cuts to expire in 2025, which will raise taxes for virtually every paycheck-earning household.

Simultaneously, the cornerstone of the Biden administration’s regulatory agenda is to crack down on free enterprise to benefit his most prized constituency: unions.

He would boost union coffers at the expense of working-class guys and gals.

He would force small businesses and entrepreneurs to take a knee for unionization, even if that destroyed their independence and livelihoods.

Take, for example, the Department of Labor’s (DOL) final independent contractor rule, which changes worker classification standards to reclassify many freelancers as employees of companies.

The effect will be to destroy the flexible, independent contracting work that tens of millions of Americans, especially women, depend on to earn a living or a little extra cash.

Freelance writer, yoga instructor, and reinvention coach Jennifer O’Connell often writes about the hardships that a similar law imposes on self-employed Californians including minorities and older Americans like her.

"This administration is constantly harping about equity, diversity and inclusion. Yet, these attempts to force independent professionals into a caste system that the government creates . . . (will) only kill diversity, deepen exclusion, and are nowhere close to creating equity or equality."

O’Connell also exposed the sinister motivation behind these efforts.

"Independent contractors are exempted from unionization, making the elimination of this worker classification a top priority of labor unions."

Aptly titled "How Biden’s Labor Agenda Puts Politics Over People, the Cassidy report also details how new regulations on franchises undermine a business model "that has empowered those underrepresented in the business community, such as women and people of color," while shedding jobs.

Those are not the only pro-labor practices that Americans would find unfair or unsavory.

New regulatory requirements, for example, give unions advantages over regular businesses in securing fat federal contracts.

How can Black-owned or veteran-owned businesses compete when the unions have an inside track?

President Biden is shifting his message from winning on policy to fear-mongering over race as the prospects grow dimmer for his re-election with every fleeting minority vote.

A recent New York Times/Siena College survey of battleground states found Trump winning more than 20% of Black voters, roughly doubling his support from 2020.

Black men in particular are moving away from Biden, with 30% of them in a Wall Street Journal poll indicating they were either definitely or probably going to vote for Trump — up from 12% of Black men nationwide in 2020.

When speaking to graduating students from the historic Black all-male Morehouse College last Sunday, President Biden sounded a pessimistic tone, telling the crowd, "It’s natural to wonder if democracy you hear about actually works for you.  . . .  to be a Black man who loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back in equal measure?"

The moment calls for hope, not despair.

Opportunity exists for Blacks in America, but it's quickly being snuffed out by the Biden administration’s partisan economic policies that are grounded in political favoritism rather than giving all Americans the opportunities they deserve.

(A related opinion column may be found here.) 

Patrice Lee Onwuka is a political commentator and director of the Center for Economic Opportunity at the Independent Women’s Forum. She is also an adjunct senior fellow with the Philanthropy Roundtable and a Tony Blankley Fellow at The Steamboat Institute. Follow her on Twitter: @PatricePinkFile Read Patrice Lee Onwuka's Reports — More Here.

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President Biden is shifting his message from winning on policy to fear-mongering over race as the prospects grow dimmer for his re-election with every fleeting minority vote.
cassidy, labor, obama
Thursday, 30 May 2024 03:51 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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