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Whitmer Disavows 'Draft Gretch' Movement, Relays SOS

By    |   Monday, 01 July 2024 01:32 PM EDT

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer called Biden's campaign chair, Jennifer O'Malley Dillon, to say that she was not onboard with the "Draft Gretch" chatter that cropped up in the aftermath of what critics have called President Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance and to relay that Michigan is no longer winnable for the Democrat incumbent.

Politico reported that Whitmer placed the call on Friday night and that the conversation, while cordial, was awkward. In the fallout from Thursday's debate between Biden and former President Donald Trump, despairing Democrats have cast about for a suitable top-of-the-ticket replacement for their 81-year-old presumptive nominee.

The two-term Michigan governor seems to fit the bill for many on the left who are searching for an alternative candidate.

On the call with O'Malley Dillon, Whitmer disavowed the movement to draft her as Biden's replacement and reaffirmed her commitment and willingness to help the president, according to Politico. She also reportedly expressed concern over how difficult campaigning would be for Biden in the wake of the candidates' forum.

Politico's source — someone close to a potential 2028 Whitmer rival for the Democratic presidential nomination — said the governor also phoned the Biden camp to relay the message that Michigan was no longer a winnable state for the president following his debate performance.

Short of Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the deep bench of blue-state governors who are eager to succeed the president have more at stake than any other Democrats.

While a group of them would undoubtedly join the race to replace Biden on the Democrat ticket, should he drop out, to speak out now about his wounded candidacy would be seen as a narcissistic betrayal and would be hung like a millstone around their neck should they decide to run in future contests, according to Politico.

"The temperature is high — a lot of anxiety, a lot of folks at the edge of their seat," one Democrat governor told Politico on Sunday about sentiment among his counterparts.

Democrat donors have fallen hard for Whitmer since the debate put the party in a tailspin.

In an email blast to donors, Boston lobbyist Chet Atkins had high praise for Whitmer, saying, "No one knows and understands these voters the way she does.

"How can you not love a Governor who is affectionately called 'Big Gretch' by Detroit rappers, a Governor who faced down a kidnap attempt, and passed gun safety legislation in response," the former Massachusetts Democrat congressman wrote in the email obtained by Politico.

He added that the election will be decided by Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Atkins also called for contributors to flood Whitmer with donations to ensure a seamless transition, should Biden step down.

"Over the next several weeks, party leaders and the press will be looking to see who has the momentum and the ability to beat Trump," he wrote. "A massive outpouring of small and large dollar donations to Gretchen Whitmer's political committee will send a strong and clear message. It will also allow her to be ready on day one when the nomination opens up."

According to Politico, Whitmer did not know about or sign off on the email blast.

Nicole Wells

Nicole Wells, a Newsmax general assignment reporter covers news, politics, and culture. She is a National Newspaper Association award-winning journalist.

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Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer told the Biden campaign she's not on board with the "Draft Gretch" chatter that cropped up after what critics have called the president's disastrous debate performance and to say Michigan is no longer winnable for the Democrat incumbent.
gretchen whitmer, joe biden, michigan, election
Monday, 01 July 2024 01:32 PM
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