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Tim Ryan: Biden Needs 'a Lot More' Than 1 Interview

By    |   Wednesday, 03 July 2024 06:18 PM EDT

Former Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, said on Wednesday that President Joe Biden's upcoming interview on ABC News won't be enough to assuage voters' fears.

Ryan was referring to Biden's halting, shaky performance in the debate against former President Donald Trump.

Biden is set to sit down for an extended interview with ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos on Friday. But Ryan, who ran against Biden for the Democrat presidential nomination in 2020, told CNN on Wednesday that too much time may have already passed since the debate for Biden to win back support.

"I'm worried that it's Wednesday, the debate was Thursday, and all we saw was a five-minute press conference that was very muted," Ryan said. "Nothing that's been happening is encouraging."

He added that Biden needs to do "a lot more than" hold a single interview more than a week after the debate.

"It's gotta be a barnstorm. It's gotta be town halls in hostile environments, probably like Fox News," Ryan said. "And show us you can make the case."

Ryan made these comments the day after he posted on X that Vice President Kamala Harris should be the Democratic Party's candidate.

"We have to rip the Band-Aid off! Too much is at stake," he wrote. "⁦@VP has significantly grown into her job, she will destroy Trump in debate, highlight choice issue, energize our base, bring back young voters and give us generational change. It's time!"

Theodore Bunker

Theodore Bunker, a Newsmax writer, has more than a decade covering news, media, and politics.

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Former Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, said on Wednesday that President Joe Biden's upcoming interview on ABC News won't be enough to assuage voters' fears following his halting, shaky performance in the debate against former President Donald Trump.
tim ryan, joe biden, 2024, election, kamala harris, donald trump
Wednesday, 03 July 2024 06:18 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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