As we speak, American’s are casting ballots in an election that is in no way free or fair.
The same Leftists that went berserk over imagined Russian collusion handing Trump the White House, are applauding real American collusion to do the same for Joe Biden.
Information is everything in an election. And you are not informed.
The media is only pushing stories problematic for Trump and helpful to Biden.
This is not an exaggeration.
The Biden corruption scandal at this point is extremely credible.
Tony Bobulinski is the most credible source a journalist could ever dream of.
He was there, he has the information. The story is very fact-checkable and provable, but nobody in the mainstream media wants to prove it.
Imagine how much further along this story would be if it was about Donald Trump, Jr.
There would be teams of journalists, an army, from all networks, you wouldn’t be able to escape it. CNN and MSNBC would be exploding with headlines 24 hours a day: "Trump Family Corruption. Will the President Go to Jail?"
It would be mayhem.
The coverage from ABC, CBS, and NBC has been the most alarming.
Normal, moderate, undecided voters still watch these networks, and they’re being robbed of the information they should be getting. These networks spent years babbling about a much less credible story from an extremely sketchy source.
But they won’t touch this story with a 10-foot pole.
It’s quite a spectacle watching these networks destroy 50 plus years of credibility just to knock Trump out of the White House.
The president often complains on Twitter about the media’s obsession with the Covid-19 crisis. This is all part of a plan as well. COVID-19 makes Trump look bad, the media lets Democrats come on all day long and blame Trump directly for the 200,000 American deaths with no push back.
However, we recently learned that Europe is getting crushed by a new wave of the virus.
All those utopic liberal nations that the American Left worships, like France, going back into lock-down to curb tremendous spread.
Do liberals and media blame Emanuel Macron or Angela Merkel for all of Europe’s deaths. No.
Then there’s Big Tech, just in case you don’t watch TV or read the paper for your information, our tech companies would surely be a source for the truth, right?! No.
Jack Dorsey put on one of the most pathetic displays I’ve ever witnessed this week when he tried to defend his Leftist organization from accusations they are flat out an arm of the Democratic party by shutting down the New York Post’s groundbreaking and credible reporting on the alleged corruption of the Biden family. He was hammered by Republicans. He didn’t seem to care too much. As long as Biden wins next week he’ll be just fine.
Here’s the question: if the Democrats get a hold of power next week, will Republicans ever be able to get it back?
The deck is stacked against us now.
For years the media was comfortably left of center, slowly pulling this country in the direction it desired.
Nobody made a big stink about it. Like cattle awaiting the slaughter we all unknowingly accepted more and more liberalism.
Healthcare became a human right, illegal became undocumented, everyone that wasn’t a white male became a victim, etc.
It was a slow play, but it was working.
Then came Donald Trump, the wrecking ball.
I bet when Trump first started screaming "Fake News!" you thought he was kind of crazy.
I'll bet you don’t think he’s crazy anymore.
Trump exposed all of this. He exposed it, then attacked it.
Now the left is hitting back hard.
As I’m writing this, Twitter has just censored the head of the U.S. Border Patrol for tweeting out that the border wall helps prevent gang members and drugs from getting into the country. Twitter deleted the tweet calling it "hate speech."
Pathetic. Jack Dorsey is awful.
Media, Big Tech, and Democrats are all colluding to steal this election.
If they win, it will be a new regime of incredible power. This is how it works in China and Iran. Opposition parties don’t have a prayer there. They won’t here either.
You dare not speak ill of the supreme leader.
You dare not expose his corruption.
His name is Joe Biden, and he shall not be questioned.
Rob Schmitt joined Newsmax in September 2020 to host the 10pm show. Rob has worked at nearly every major news network throughout his career including NBC, CBS, two ABC affiliates and most recently as the 5am anchor at Fox News Channel. Rob’s experience working in media and in multiple large news markets including New York, Los Angeles, and Miami give him a unique perspective for opinion writing. Read Rob Schmitt's Reports — More Here.
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