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Can Trump Heal America's Wholesale Dysfunction?

united states politics losing their way united states flag symbolizing saving of same


Scott Powell By Thursday, 17 October 2024 02:50 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

(Editor's Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party, or candidate, on the part of Newsmax.) 

Since World War II, most Americans have dismissed the possibility that a communist-type insurrection and revolution could succeed in the United States.

Upon reflection it's also plausible that normalcy bias, overconfidence in our invulnerability, and the tendency to lower rather than raise our guard has been exploited by our chief communist adversaries, notably the Peoples Republic of China (PRC).

Xi Jinping fully embraces the essence of Sun Tsu’s "The Art of War," which is to subdue not by military confrontation, but rather by internal strategies that bring on mass demoralization, disorientation, and division.

When wholesale dysfunction becomes normalized as it is today in the U.S., the final stage of collapse cannot be far away.

Uncorrected, it is over for a prosperous free America.

Trump has said he intends to reform and downsize the federal government.

He wants to make it more accountable to Americans.

Before doing this and eliminating federal government agencies such as the Department of Education, Trump would be wise to listen to counsel that recommend starting with changing broad operational policies at the heart of the nation’s problems.

Policies such as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), sanctuary cities. Also, efforts at curtailing the corrupting influence of foreign countries in America must ensue.

In addition to the three qualities of character — faith, courage, and persistence — that Trump shares with America’s first president, he would do well to embrace George Washington’s insight on the problems of domestic party factions.

As Washington related in his farewell address delivered of Sept. 17, 1796 — an anniversary date of signing the Constitution — the spirit of party can "foment occasionally riot and insurrection."

But more lasting, said Washinton about party factionalism:

"It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus, the policy and will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."

Ending DEI, Trump would need only explain how the policy has failed and undermined the achievement of excellence; why there is no substitute for merit as the principal driver for success.

Additionally, in controlling foreign influence and diffusing party faction, Trump’s legal team is correct in their assessment of the paramount importance of restoring equal justice under the law and rooting out corruption extant in government.

Trust between the people and government is at an all-time low in the United States.

Americans demand change, and they are likely to be willing to support unprecedented approaches to achieve it.

When capital crimes are committed against families, prosecution is a requirement of delivering justice that allows closure and healing.

Late-stage dysfunction of injustice and corruption in America threatens her survival.

What is required is a reversal of this trend: appropriate penalties for actions taken by government officials resulting in capital and severe crimes, such as helping foreign adversaries, espionage, and human trafficking.

Often, many in government became compromised in small, incremental ways overt time. Concurrently they learned and mastered the art of compromise, entrapping people with no way out.

What's needed to provide deliverance to many compromised people throughout the U.S. government is a program giving them a way out, providing incentives to come clean and tell what they know, with full assurance that they will be granted immunity from prosecution.

Doing the right thing should always be consistently rewarded.

At a minimum that would include immunity from prosecution, and could include witness protection, as well financial assistance, if appropriate.

An effective program could start with low level corruption and then move up the chain akin to the methodology used to bring down the Mafia. This would have a beneficial effect on the public by educating them on just how pervasive the corruption is. Conceivably, Americans would support such a program of amnesty.

This forgiveness and immunity from prosecution should be extended from the bottom to the top, including senators, congressman, Wall Street financiers investing in China, and high-tech leaders involved with foreign trade — all of whom would be given immunity for doing what is right and putting American interests first.

Remember, doing the right thing can be contagious.

Possible emergent from such amnesty would be appreciable recognition for the absolute need for enhanced security measures, such as loyalty oaths and conditional and strict security clearances.

Along with the cessation and removal of DEI, this house cleaning, which would include intelligence and military officer corps, including their top brass, would also greatly improve the morale of the rank and file --- the key variable in fighting and winning wars. A return to "esprit de corps."

In addition to the preceding, it would also throw every foreign intelligence agency into chaos — swiftly driving out vast numbers of Chinese, Russian, and Iranian operatives from the United States.

Furthermore, Mexican and other nationality cartels and gang members would conceivably move back out of the U.S.

In the end, what is true and good for us as individuals is also good for the nation.

When we live with integrity, we will experience genuine success that transcends earthly measures. The word given by God to Solomon is as true today as it was in ancient times. Recorded II Chronicles 7:14, we are reminded that if we humble ourselves and pray…and turn from our wicked ways, "then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

Scott S. Powell, a member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China and senior fellow at Discovery Institute, is the author of "Rediscovering America," a new release in the history genre. You may reach him at Read Scott S. Powell's Reports — More Here.

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Trust between the people and government is at an all-time low in the United States. Americans demand change, and they are likely to be willing to support unprecedented approaches to achieve it.
amnesty, dei, washington
Thursday, 17 October 2024 02:50 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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