So-called “free trade” of the last 40 years has destroyed “good blue-collar jobs in America” as U.S. corporations steadily moved production overseas,” the United Auto Workers said in a statement Tuesday.
“The UAW is in active negotiations with the Trump administration about their plans to end the free trade disaster,” the UAW said. “We want to see serious action that will incentivize companies to reinvest in America and stop cheating the American worker, the American consumer, and the American taxpayer.”
The UAW will work with the White House in April on tariffs on automobiles “to benefit the working class,” the union said.
President Donald Trump’s tariffs can end “corporations’ non-drop race to the bottom by killing good blue-collar jobs in America that go exploit some poor worker in another country by paying poverty wages,” the UAW said.
“Tariffs are a powerful tool in the toolbox for undoing the injustice of anti-worker trade deals,” UAW added. “We are glad to see an American president take aggressive action on ending the free trade disaster that has dropped like a bomb on the working class.”
Lee Barney ✉
Lee Barney, Newsmax’s financial editor, has been a financial journalist for 30 years, covering the economy, retirement planning, investing and financial technology.
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