A series of studies have found that a combination of Boswellia, betaine, and myo-inositol can significantly improve two breast conditions, both of which are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
Complex fibroadenomas (the most common kind of breast tumor) moderately increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Dense breast tissue on mammograms is also a risk factor for breast cancer and makes accurately reading a mammogram all but impossible.
These three compounds reduce inflammation, affect endocrine processes in the breast tissue, and have metabolic benefits.
One study of 76 women with dense breasts found that this combination of supplements significantly reduced breast density in 60 percent of women; only 9 percent of the placebo group had similar reductions in density.
In a second study of 64 premenopausal women with fibroadenomas found that the combination of supplements reduced the size of the fibroadenomas significantly. In none of the women did the fibroadenomas increase in size. Both the test group and the placebo group also received B vitamins and N-acetyl cysteine.
Boswellia, betaine, and myo-inositol are all well tolerated and cause no side effects.
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