As illegal immigration continues to rise under Biden’s presidency, its impact is being felt by natural-born citizens as well as those who rightfully went through the citizenship process.
Since 2021, our nation has seen a record surge in illegal immigration at our southern border, with over nine million illegal aliens crossing under the failed, and feckless leadership of Joe Biden.
Not only has Biden opened our borders, now he is granting rights and privileges reserved for Americans to criminals who have infiltrated our country.
In state capitols from Michigan to California, legislation is being proposed and, in some cases, enacted that extends the privilege of legal documentation, such as driver's licenses, to illegal immigrants.
This practice is not only antithetical to American principles of law and order but also erodes the unique value of American citizenship.
Granting such privileges to those who have entered the country illegally undermines the legal pathways to immigration that millions have followed, respecting the process and the country's laws.
When states like Michigan propose to provide driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, they are diluting the significance of legal residency and citizenship.
Driver's licenses are more than just a piece of plastic permitting someone to drive — they're a gateway document that can lead to more severe breaches of our systems, including the voting process.
We are witnessing a wholesale betrayal by those elected to protect the integrity of our laws and our borders.
By allowing illegal immigrants to acquire driver's licenses, we not only incentivize more illegal immigration but also potentially usher these individuals into voter rolls.
This is not just an administrative blunder; it's a potential catalyst for electoral chaos, eroding the bedrock of our democracy.
Once a foundational document is granted, the opportunities for misuse multiply.
This is not a theoretical concern: several states issuing licenses to illegal immigrants have faced challenges in ensuring that these individuals do not end up on voter rolls, despite rhetoric saying such concerns are lacking in merit.
Currently, over a dozen states provide or are moving towards providing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.
The impact of such policies extends beyond the immediate legal inconveniences.
They send a disconcerting message that illegal entry can be rewarded with the same privileges and rights as those who adhere to legal entry requirements.
This undermines respect for the law and encourages further illegal immigration, compounding the challenge of securing our borders.
This must end.
As citizens, we cannot stand idly by while our country is compromised from within.
We must demand that our lawmakers uphold strict adherence to the law and reject any policy that dilutes the value of American citizenship.
It’s time to restore sanity and reaffirm that entry into this great nation — and the privileges that come with residing here — must be earned legally. America deserves better; our people deserve respect, and our laws demand enforcement.
Bianca Gracia is president of the Latinos for Trump/Latinos for America First Organization, Founder and Executive Director of Latinos for America First PAC. She has worked as the Chief Strategist at The America Project, Hispanic Engagement Director of the Republican Party of Texas, and the State Director of Faith and Freedom Coalition. She was the former President of LĂderes de la Comunidad, Americanos Conservative United, director and adviser for Blexit Texas. Gracia has appeared on Fox, Steve Bannon's "War Room," Newsmax, OANN and can be heard live Monday mornings at 8 a.m. on 1440 Keys AM in Corpus Christi, Texas. Read more of her reports —​ Here.
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