(Editor's Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party, or candidate, on the part of Newsmax.)
Are you ready to play 5D Chess?
It doesn’t matter if you are or not…you are already in the game if you are an American citizen in election year 2024.
5D Chess may be a popular term in the American lexicon but it's defined as:
"Normal chess rules, except that these are taken to the next 'multi' level. This means you can: Move pieces back in time and create new timelines. Move pieces around in those newly created timelines and create mate threats." (Thunkspace LLC. 2020)
In other words, the environment Americans find themselves in with days to go until Election Day, is infinitely complex.
Our heads our dizzy from the threats of World War III abroad, fighting-age men who have invaded and settled in America, by the millions, hurricanes where a $750.00 loan is the solution, a pending economic implosion, and a news cycle where major stories get less than a day or two of air time, if they even see daylight.
All by design.
Those who hold power have no intention of relinquishing it. Just ask U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., who not long ago said "Congress will have to disqualify Trump if he wins the election. . . "
Raskin’s not-so-veiled threat should be remembered as we all head down this path.
Americans are deluged by a mainstream media (MSM) that wants them to believe Kamala Harris and Trump are within a point of each other, that Harris and Walz are centrists, not Marxists, and of course the old favorite stand-by: Trump is Adolf Hitler.
Yes, of course.
That’s why millions of Americans pack out every single rally and prominent Democrats like RFK Jr, Elon Musk, or newly minted Republican Tulsi Gabbard are MAGA all the way.
The mainstream media apparatchiks that insist you accept their propaganda, or you are also a "Deplorable." This is already setting the stage for a Trump, "too-big-to-rig," victory.
They won’t explain why but want you to know that Iran, China, or Russia could swoop in any second and interfere in our election to clear the way for Trump.
They don’t think you're smart enough to know that the current regime of which Harris played a leading role, is the absolute darling of our enemies, having driven our nation to a state of weakness never seen.
The MSM decides what you can see and what you can’t.
You may have missed that the Russia-led BRICS+ Summit, recently concluded, took meaningful steps towards destroying what’s left of the dollar in your wallet.
They certainly don’t update you when all the rosy economic statistics get revised to a more honest "dire" level a month or two after they drop.
Does anyone know the death toll from Hurricanes Helene or Milton, or who has the rights to all that lithium in the disaster areas?
Journalism is not dead in America, but it's surely on life support. George Orwell wrote a prophetic explanation of what these radicals want in his classic "1984." It's not too late to read up! Throw Ayn Rand’s "Atlas Shrugged" in that shopping cart while you are at it.
In reviewing the multiple chess boards, what are We the People looking at?
- Pre- or post-election violence
- Illegal immigrants or terror groups looting and/or marauding
- Financial crisis or collapse
- World War III or Major Regional Conflict (MRC)
- Pandemic 2.0
- Censorship
- Grid down or cyber-strike on communications
That’s just a few.
The swamp (Washington D.C.) through not-so-subtly, messaging, seemingly says,"We'll not give up power, and we'll defend ourselves and our bureaucracies with all elements of state power."
The uniparty politicians, the legions of three letter bureaucrats have a general disdain for free range Americans.
This is why many in government want to eliminate platforms like X.
They don’t like you rubes even discussing issues, then having the temerity to engage in critical thinking.
You're not qualified . . . only to believe what you're told to and educated to believe.
So, listen to our irrelevant four-star generals instead, plebians.
What will your next move on the chess board or boards be?
Act local.
Your best moves with the time left are to increase your resiliency as best you can.
Prayer and a stronger relationship with your creator, is a good first step.
You will want to stock up on essentials, make sure food, water and medical top that list.
Go back to the future by getting a good radio and have a little cash on hand should the system fall apart for a while.
Perhaps your best investment at a time like this is your community.
It even may be a great time to drop the red versus blue hysteria and get to know your neighbors. Discuss possible crises and how you can pull together while you set aside the mainstream media's mantra about how much we hate each other.
We don’t.
The time has arrived.
We may not have asked to be in this deadly game, but here we are.
Don’t be a pawn.
Be an American, an independent thinking one.
Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt (retired) is a co-founder of Restore Liberty, a former deputy representative to NATO, a lifetime member on the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Newsmax contributor. The views presented are those of the author and do not represent the views of the U.S. government, U.S. Department of Defense, or its components. Read Gen. Holt's reports — More Here.
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