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Tags: mcconnell | schumer | uniparty

Message to Entrenched D.C. - We Can Read and Aren't Ignorant

stop the brainwashing


Brig Gen (ret) Blaine Holt By Tuesday, 06 February 2024 12:51 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive


The very name should evoke what that name genuinely represents, and what they truly stand for.

They are our present-day socialists.

While they say they care for the American people, especially the oppressed and economically downtrodden, they could care less.

Certainly, they care very little for American security and sovereignty.

How so?

Actions consistently speak louder than words.

For starters, they've spitefully opened-up the border, welcoming millions with our money.

Scrap sale for The Wall anyone?

Meanwhile, they encourage foreign military escapades, weaken us by projecting strategy-free fecklessness.

Such "endeavors" cost our increasingly stressed nation billions in fresh debt for our not-yet-born generations, deplete already paid for weapons stocks and imperil our forces overseas who have become cannon fodder in what-shall-we-call-it?



We expect such things from these Neo-Marxists.

This isn’t inflammatory, or paranoid, it’s the truth. And as we all painfully know all too well. The truth consistently hurts — without fail.

Recall Harry Truman, anyone: "I don't give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them, and they think it's Hell."

These "champions" of "democracy" don’t even raise our blood pressure anymore when they incarcerate opposition without charges, while working and working to control elections in every lawfare way.

Heaven forbid, they should face a real mettle-test at the ballot box.

Boring. This is what totalitarians do.

Republicans-In-Name-Only or RINOS as we know them, round out the "Uniparty."

In case you've forgotten they're headquartered — and entrenched — in Washington D.C.

Think of the most impressive structure you've ever seen, one with equally robust foundations — deeply and firmly in the ground, for what seems will be for an eternity.

We don’t always know what we will get from this tribe, but we are never surprised when they follow their Chief, Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., into whatever the current "tax and spend flavor of the day is.

This bunch like, their war-mongering friends across the aisle, are the most devout of Neocons.

Put more bluntly: interventionists who believe that all war is good . . . good for the bottom line.

Truthfully, wars without strategy only benefit industry, fund their campaigns and their future board assignments.

Have we forgotten Robert E. Lee's famous: "It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it."? His observation made at Fredericksburg.

Perhaps this is what left-adherents really want, for us to indeed forget such wisdom, in the name of CRT, DEI, and other forms of outright dangerous political correctness.

All the Uniparty requires from you is your money.

Don’t you dare complain; that would be "disinformation."

And here come the cries from the swamp now:

Project Ukraine is out of money.

Project Gaza is out of money.

Operation Gift Cards for illegals is out of money.

Enter the National Security Act of 2024.

It is so curious how the swamp plays "opposite day" any time they name a law.

The Patriot Act which allows them to curtail your liberties; the Affordable Care Act to bankrupt you with crappier healthcare.

The Inflation Reduction Act where the money printers had to work overtime to accelerate your path to the poor house.

As a bonus they reserved the right to turn your car off remotely by 2025.

Can't you see a pattern here?

The Uniparty hopes you will read the title of law, see the goodness in such and go back to scrolling hand-held device videos.

The trouble is that we see the threats to our nation, especially at the border, and we are waking up and asking questions.

The arrogant lawmakers and their staffs who suck down their pate' and wine at posh D.C. luncheons, while laughing at how dumb we are, don’t seem to understand that we are actually paying attention, and can actually read.

The bill would be better named, “The Border Betrayal Act of 2024.”

Dear swamp creatures; here is what we simple Americans gleaned as highlights:

  • $14 billion for Project Gaza.
  • $10 billion general humanitarian fund for all war zones.
  • $5 billion to counter the Chinese in Asia.
  • $20 billion for border security. (Sec Mayorkas would control.
  • $400 million to the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to fund bank cards for illegals who invaded.
  • All challenges to Mayorkas edicts will only be heard in D.C. courts.
  • Work permits for those who are here.
  • Up to 5,000 a day can be processed into the nation. This means amnesty for at least 1.5 million annually (Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., was particularly proud of that sovereignty-sucking move).

Where does it end?

Does it ever end? Or is it, that it doesn’t?

Have you heard or figured it out? The bill is unconstitutional.

Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution requires the federal government to defend the states from invasion. 1.5 million crossing illegally and being rewarded with cash and prizes is repugnant to that Founding document, no matter how Sens. McConnell and Schumer, D-N.Y. evangelize.

Meanwhile, angry "swampers" demand more money for lost wars, current wars and that we surrender our security here at home, while they fight without strategy or audits.

Our best, our young men and women that might be needed for a real war one day, one that requires use of the word "victory," are imperiled, unable to defend themselves.

Here at home, the Feds apparently, don’t think we should be safe either.

Today is your day America. It’s We the People versus They the Uniparty Swamp Monsters.

Whether you are sympathetic to Democrats or Republicans, it is time to melt the swamp switchboards and X feeds.

Even Mitch himself couldn’t stay the course with this pig, capitulating as the outrage grew in the GOP ranks.

We the People refuse to reward:

  • Military failures
  • Open borders
  • Human trafficking
  • Cartel terror
  • Breach of Article IV, Section 4 with $118 billion of money we don’t have

Who are the "good guys" in all this?

It’s us.

Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt (retired) is a co-founder of Restore Liberty, a former deputy representative to NATO, a lifetime member on the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Newsmax contributor. The views presented are those of the author and do not represent the views of the U.S. government, U.S.Department of Defense, or its components. Read Gen. Holt's reports — More Here.

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

The arrogant lawmakers and their staffs who suck down their pate' and wine at posh D.C. luncheons, while laughing at how dumb we are, don’t seem to understand that we are actually paying attention, and can actually read.
mcconnell, schumer, uniparty
Tuesday, 06 February 2024 12:51 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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