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The Time for Talk Will End Soon, WW III Looms

presidency and foreign war and gas prices

An image of Russian President Vladimir Putin is displayed as U.S. President Joe Biden speaks about gas prices in the South Court Auditorium at the White House campus on June 22, 2022 in Washington, D.C. At the time, Biden called on Congress to temporarily suspend the federal gas tax. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

Brig Gen (ret) Blaine Holt By Friday, 07 June 2024 03:29 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Joe Biden and the White House academics just slammed the accelerator towards a horrific destination: World War III.

Nearly two and a half years ago, instead of pulling out all the stops to deter Russia’s invasion into Ukraine, the president uttered at a speech that the U.S. reaction would be less harsh if it was only a "minor incursion."

The pitch here at home to support Ukraine with weapons was that we would only provide defensive weapons with no U.S. or NATO boots on the ground.

How far we have come.

To date the U.S. has led no diplomatic effort to end the conflict.

Money, weapons, escalation without strategy or diplomacy is a sure recipe for a bigger war.

A quick study of the Vietnam war will validate this truth.

Except this time our modern day "whiz kids" want to follow in the ghost of Robert McNamara’s footsteps by poking the number one nuclear armed power on the planet.

The Biden administration leading the west, is openly provoking Putin, permitting Ukraine’s usage of advanced weaponry into Russia.

While no one in the NATO member states can articulate what end state that will serve and President Biden assures the media that the Russian Army is decimated, the Kremlin reads these moves as the last in the prequel to a major theater war.

Putin himself is now openly discussing thresholds where nuclear arms may be used and that they reserve the right to target NATO nations where the weapons originated from.

Unlike the White House academics demands for a cessation of Israeli hostilities against the terrorists of Hamas, you will find few leaders in NATO calling for a ceasefire in Europe.

And let’s not take our eye off the Chinese bullying U.S. allies and partners with impunity.

If you add in the millions of illegal fighting age men waiting to be activated here at home, those warning us that WWIII is near do not seem so hyperbolic or sensational.

Are we ready for such a war?


In addition to endangering us with a foreign and likely, a domestic fight, the administration has made an art form out of running up the national credit card and laying further waste to the economy by eviscerating small business with over-regulation and fake pandemic science.

While the police state that says it loves democracy, it rolls up our civil rights, seeking out unruly parents at school board meetings well before it takes an interest in Hezbollah members making South Chicago their home.

Americans are being taxed into oblivion while the swamp out spends what is collected by infinite amounts. American traditional culture is the enemy of the Uniparty and we are told the World Health Organization (WHO) will surely look after us in the coming pandemic.

Make sure you trust the science this time or your cancellation and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) revocation will follow.

All while the establishment devalues private property and makes the American middle class the next Tyrannosaurus Rex.

If you are still unaware of the cliff we face, dig in and learn where loan defaults, credit card debt, and business failures are trending.

But Ukraine is still number one. Just ask Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

Washington, D.C. is devouring your rights, your wealth, and your security, but "Trump is a threat to democracy" they evangelize.

So how would the swamp and their global elite overlords cover up such a massive crime scene?

A world war seems like the perfect camouflage.

On this side of such a war, we can still analyze the players and motivations.

We can point out the lies of COVID-19, the threats to our liberty, the attack on our Constitution, fake dossiers, corrupt media, out of control intelligence assets, zero accountability and taxation without real representation.

Until Vlad crosses that line and nukes something.

Then we will be at war. And then, you had better shut up.

World War is like that.

There is a good guy and there is a bad guy.

There is no in-between.

If you don’t get on board with the war effort and compliment the president’s brave speech in Congress asking for a declaration, then you are un-American.

End of story.

So, before this comes to pass and some rocket genius in Congress resurrects the House Un-American Activities Commission (HUAC 1938), shouldn’t we do all we can to expose the truth to stop this insanity.

Reminder, today’s weaponry is capable of ending humanity.

Even if it doesn’t get to that point, the inevitable draft of your son or daughter might make you examine current events more closely.

And . . . Don’t forget to be woke when you report for basic training!

The last question we should ponder before we land on some watch list is this.

If this national security team has failed at everything they have done, and they have, do we really want to trust them to guide us through the Third World War?

Decide quickly; your life depends on it.

Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt (retired) is a co-founder of Restore Liberty, a former deputy representative to NATO, a lifetime member on the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Newsmax contributor. The views presented are those of the author and do not represent the views of the U.S. government, U.S. Department of Defense, or its components. Read Gen. Holt's reports — More Here.

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If this national security team has failed at everything they have done, and they have, do we really want to trust them to guide us through the Third World War? Decide quickly; your life depends on it.
mcnamara, putin, vietnam
Friday, 07 June 2024 03:29 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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