I do not recommend Tylenol (acetaminopen) for fever relief or pain because it decreases glutathione levels and is associated with major toxicity dangers.
More importantly, fevers have a purpose. They’re not directly caused by a virus or bacteria. Rather, fevers are caused by inflammatory cytokines (mainly TNF-alpha), which are a part of your immune system. Raising body temperature to acceptable levels kills infectious organisms. Temperatures over 104 Fahrenheit should be lowered to 102, but not with ice cold water or medications. Tepid water is sufficient.
Febrile seizure susceptibility is an inherited trait, and most likely not caused by increased temperature, but by free radicals and excitotoxins.
Studies have shown that mortality from childhood diseases actually increases with fever reduction. This is especially true for small children.
Our parents told us to bundle up when we were kids. That was good advice.
Pain relief can also be achieved without Tylenol. In cases of rheumatoid arthritis, nano-curcumin not only reduces the pain, but has been shown to help repair the damage.
Most nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) only block some of the pain mechanisms, and have complications.
Nano-curcumin is also an excellent way to help prevent cancer and protect the brain. And it has a slight anticoagulant effect that may help prevent stroke damage.
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