Making Schools Private Can Get Us Out of Our Literal Mental Ward for Good
A few years ago, Candace Owens wrote, "There are a lot of children running around believing that they need puberty blockers when in reality what they need are stable parents.
"Any parent that would allow their young child to permanently alter his/her body and psyche is a child abuser. Bar none."
More recently, @OliLondonTV wrote on X, "Dylan Mulvaney’s hairdresser Jonathon Van Ness who uses they/he/she pronouns, wears a woman dress while sporting a beard and hairy chest on the Golden Globes red carpet."
Strip away all the "feel-good" woke rhetoric, and it’s nothing more than a dare.
This writer can more than well assure you the Marxist totalitarians polluting our culture care nothing for men who dress as women.
Totalitarians are not "liberal," and they’re definitely not tolerant.
It’s a dare, not just to Hollywood elites, but to everyone.
It’s a dare not to state the obvious.
Let's define it as the 21st century's version of the emperor has no clothes.
The ridiculous premise here is, "If we, the cultural elites, can intimidate you into not stating the obvious, then we can intimidate you into anything."
Kind of like useless masks, standing six feet apart in a bank or following idiotic floor pointers in grocery stores. While much of this COVID-19 sheer hysteria has thankfully passed, for some the pandemic never ends — by choice.
Chad Prather recently said, "Your child isn’t trans. Your child is impressionable & you are an abuser."
And as a mental health professional for almost 40 years, I agree 100%!
Most of my colleagues agree privately but are terrified to say so.
Decades ago, Freudian theory was largely debunked and rejected by the mental health profession. Freud asserted that little children are sexual.
This defied both reason and common sense.
Until the totalitarians started using the subject to promote their agenda of "divide and conquer," it just seemed incredibly obvious that little children can’t yet know if they’re gay or "trans."
You can tell a child, "It’s OK to be gay. All that matters is that there’s love," or whatever it is you believe.
You are obliged, as a parent, to tell your children what you honestly believe without regard to what the authorities, media, or government (the least intellectually and morally qualified of anyone!) want you to say.
But even if you tell your child that it’s fine to be gay, you don’t affirm that he is or is not gay at the age of 9.
It’s reasonable to simply say, "You may need more time to conclude that for sure. Just give it time." And you’re setting behavioral limits/rules on your 9-year-old or even 15-year-old regardless of whether he or she is gay, or anything else.
That’s not what we’re being told today.
A child — even a 6-year-old — now has unlimited power over everyone simply by uttering the words, "I’m gay" or (even more powerfully and dangerous) "I’m trans."
Once he or she makes this declaration, entire families, school systems and civilizations must come to a screeching halt.
If you dare raise so much as a whimper of concern, you are treated as the most heinous moral beast in all of history, surpassing Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin combined.
This is stark, raving madness, even evil.
To be told that you’re against adults who fit into these categories (gay, trans of whatever) simply because you refuse to acknowledge that a 9-year-old or 12-year-old can possibly be sure of such a thing is vicious and inconceivable.
At least, it would have been inconceivable as recently as five years ago, even among mental health professionals.
Human Rights Campaign, an organization promoting the rights of children to alter their genders and mutilate their bodies without parental consent, have called any dissenting views "dangerous to the safety and well-being of LGBTQ youth, especially trans children who deserve to be loved and accepted for who they are."
- So, it’s dangerous to espouse your views?
- As in physically dangerous?
- Like a child abuser or a child molester?
Should we pass laws preventing people from saying toddlers don’t know if they’re transgender, however you define (or accept) the concept of transgender? Should people who question "trans" children be jailed, if convicted, just as child abusers are?
What about sexual orientation? Are you cruel and inhuman if you suggest a 3-year-old doesn’t know if he or she is gay?
To say it’s ridiculous to suggest a 3-year-old knows his or her future sexual orientation means you’re against gay persons!
That viewpoint is rooted in nothing short of insanity.
Additionally, it's an attack on our First Amendment, this writer doesn't know what is.
Thus, I hardly know what to say or write any longer.
Our culture has become a literal mental hospital.
We have put the worst elements in charge of telling us how to think.
And — despite the incredibly favorable 2024 election results, we’re always one single election away from giving them absolute rule over us.
Parents: Keep fighting. And support privatization of schools. Without government-subsidized schools, this madness wouldn’t last five minutes.
Let’s make that happen once and for all.
Michael J. Hurd, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Psychology. He is the author of "Grow Up America" and "Bad Therapy, Good Therapy," available exclusively at He has been quoted in and/or appeared on over 30 radio shows/podcasts (including Rush Limbaugh and Larry Elder), on Newsmax TV, and writes two self-help columns weekly. Dr. Hurd resides in Charleston, South Carolina. Read more of Dr. Hurd's reports — Here.
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