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Restore Moral Dignity: Make America Moral Again


Embryo transfer procedure in a laboratory setting with specialized equipment for assisted reproduction technology. Intricate tools and focus on assisted reproduction techniques for fertility treatment.

(Anna Ivleva/

Rev. Jim Harden By Tuesday, 21 January 2025 04:18 PM EST Current | Bio | Archive

Medicine has lost her soul and we see it groping blindly through a lack of vaccine safety, transgender hormone therapy, jaw-dropping forced organ harvesting in China, and abortion to cover sex crimes to name a few.

America is wallowing in weak, inconsistent, and uninformed policy surrounding bioethical dilemmas and human rights abuses?


Because as a hyper-individualized materialistic society we no longer appreciate the unplumbed depth of human dignity nor the role of government in human affairs.

Recapturing a moral framework consistent with both America’s constitutional rule of law and the truth expressed in our Declaration of Independence, that we are "endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights," is the first step in reclaiming a civil and consistent domestic policy on bioethical concerns and the only path to reasserting global moral leadership.

America and the world are facing a multitude of hotly debated bioethical dilemmas and tragic human rights abuses.

But to reassert global moral leadership we need to reestablish the coherent, domestic moral framework damaged by the Biden and Obama Presidencies.

Currently, the U.S. government does not have a mechanism to understand and make policy recommendations to the president and other relevant agencies. This forces them to navigate emotionally charged special interests unaided by robust bioethical analysis.

Solution: Reinstate the President’s Council on Bioethics by updating Executive Order 13237 (President Bush 2001).

One of President Barack Obama’s first acts in 2009 was disbanding the council.

If that is not reason enough to reactivate it, surely its practical value is.

The council would study and make policy recommendations concerning current bioethical dilemmas and human rights abuses such as vaccine safety, pharmaceutical company liability immunity, human cloning, organ harvesting, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), surrogacy, prenatal testing, transgender hormone therapy, chemical abortion, gender and genetic abnormality selection abortion, human trafficking, low fertility rates, adoption, etc.

Reinstating the President’s Council on Bioethics and tasking that council to study the current domestic and global bioethical dilemmas and human rights abuses would afford the president, Congress, and other critical agencies such as HHS and the FDA the time, expertise, and confidence necessary to assert new regulations and policies which protect all people equally under the law as well as restoring the United States as the champion for humanity globally.

Without a go-to Council for the president and HHS, dealing with complex bioethical concerns in a morally consistent fashion in a way that undergirds America’s constitutional rule of law is difficult to say the very least.

The key task of government in human affairs is to protect all people equally.

Knuckling under to political pressure cracks open the door to widespread use of experimental techniques and drugs — as defined by and in violation of the 3rd provision of the Nuremberg Code, requiring animal testing prior to human subjects testing.

Examples of the damage that results by such pressure are the use of hormone therapy for gender transition, the use of chemical abortion as a cover for sex trafficking, and the urgent development of experimental vaccines to address pandemics.

President Trump has a lot of hard work ahead of him in the next few months to right a listing ship of state.

The President’s Council on Bioethics could work on both domestic and international issues as a social issue pressure valve while at the same time helping to reestablish a Judeo-Christian moral framework for policy setting upon which both the free market and a constitutional rule of law is based.

So, when a hot-topic issue (such as abortion) comes up for debate in one venue or another, the president or Congress can simply say the President’s Council on Bioethics is reviewing the issue and awaits a report with possible policy recommendations.

Again, for the President’s Council on Bioethics to be effective, it's imperative that the foundations for its bioethics be consistent with a constitutional rule of law philosophy of government based upon the Scriptural truth that all humans without partiality are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights."

The President’s Council on Bioethics would be a powerful addition to the Trump 2.0 and a vital measure to ensure that his legacy will revive and preserve American values for generations to come.

The Rev. Jim Harden is CEO of CompassCare, an anti-abortion medical network based in Buffalo, New York. He is married with 10 children. Recently his medical center was firebombed by anti-abortion activists. Read more of his reports Here.

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As a hyper-individualized materialistic society we no longer appreciate the unplumbed depth of human dignity nor the role of government in human affairs.
bioethics, ivf, surogacy
Tuesday, 21 January 2025 04:18 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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