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Beware of Guilt Tripping Climate Soothsayers

climate panic and guilt behind a gas mask

(Alberto Jorrin Rodriguez/

Michael Hurd By Friday, 11 October 2024 03:41 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Hurricanes have been in the news a great deal this fall.

And along with that has come the incessant demands to eradicate this supposed "Climate Change" by engineering a Soviet and Chinese Communist-style takeover of our economy.

The great Margaret Thatcher, who was ahead of her time in so many ways, wrote the following in her 2002 memoir, "Statecraft":

"By the end of my time as Prime Minister I was also becoming seriously concerned about the anti-capitalist arguments which the campaigners against global warming were deploying.

"So in a speech to scientists in 1990 I observed: whatever international action we agree upon to deal with environmental problems, we must enable all our economies to grow and develop because without growth you cannot generate the wealth required to pay for the protection of the environment.

" . . . The doomsters’ favourite subject today is climate change. Clearly no plan to alter climate could be considered on anything but a global scale, [so] it provides a marvelous excuse for worldwide, supra-national socialism."

That's how it works with "Climate Change."

When people feel guilty about something, they make ridiculous cause-effect connections when and where none exist.

Yes, there hurricanes, and always will be.

But people have struggled with such storms for centuries.

Hurricanes, even tropical storms, have been consistently horrible.

They only feel worse now.


Because we’ve advanced to such a state of comfort and prosperity that the sense of destruction is greater.

The greater your civilization, the more you lose when it all comes tumbling down.

If your property or way of life is destroyed by such forces as Hurricanes: Hugo, Katrina, Helene, Ian, Irma, Maria, Milton, Wilma, and others sure to come in the future, nothing can or should make you feel better.

But your entirely justifiable angst does not mean you get to claim, "Well, this is the punishment humans get for being too prosperous, and for having too good a time."

That's what the climate change mythology and resultant hysteria are: a composite guilt parable designed to get ignorant, uncritical thinkers to do what their masters wish them to do.

There is no punishment for success. Happiness is not a sin.

Of course it's not an effortless entitlement, either; it’s an achievement.

If you're fortunate enough to live in a time and place as materially and technologically advanced as ours, you have more to lose.

Loss is painful, and no one can minimize that pain.

However, the people who exploit human vulnerability through the baseless pseudoscience of "Climate Change" are essentially saying, "If you weren't so prosperous and successful, you wouldn't be in this mess.

"Repent, you capitalist sinner! Oh, and by the way, be sure to send us money, lots of it."

One word best describes that: Insanity.

Note that those telling us to repent are, without exception millionaires and billionaires. (Think: the consummate Limousine Liberal.)

The only way for mankind to cope with nature is to master it to the greatest degree possible. Real science and economic freedom permit that.

The climate change hypothesis would have us believe that we know with 100% certainty what creates weather, and that 100% of any undesirable weather patterns that predate man's time on earth are, nevertheless, man-made.

So we still can’t predict the weather five days from now with any degree of certainty, but we can be certain of the weather 100 or 1,000 years from now — if we just stop driving cars, using dishwashers, eating beef, or doing whatever other restrictive and suffocating measures they dream up.

Upset about the latest hurricane?

"It's humankind's fault," the pseudoscientists histrionically thunder from their government-financed thrones of deceptive manipulation.

They're trying to lead us into hopelessness and despair because . . . well, because that's narcissistic control freaks do. And the bank accounts of these self-important “eco-fascists” politicians (and their partners in crime) suggest that it’s a pretty darn good land-office business.

Grow up. Turn off the smug "Rachel Maddow," on MSNBC, ABC's "The View," and "Jimmy Kimmel," and the rest of the glorified talking heads who nod reassuringly into the camera while spouting skewed versions of currents events.

We must expend our energies to finding better and better ways to protect ourselves from nature; not lining the pockets of the globalist, misty-eyed double-talkers who employ well-crafted words and virtuous-sounding epithets to install themselves as "Climate Change" gurus.

Beware of those who interminably think they're smarter than you.

Most of the time they're not.

Michael J. Hurd, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Psychology. He is the author of "Grow Up America" and "Bad Therapy, Good Therapy," available exclusively at He has been quoted in and/or appeared on over 30 radio shows/podcasts (including Rush Limbaugh and Larry Elder), on Newsmax TV, and writes two self-help columns weekly. Dr. Hurd resides in Charleston, South Carolina. Read more of Dr. Hurd's reports — Here.

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We must expend our energies to finding better ways to protect ourselves from nature; not lining the pockets of the globalist, misty-eyed double-talkers. Beware of those who interminably think they're smarter than you. Most of the time they're not.
kimmel, maddow, weather
Friday, 11 October 2024 03:41 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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